DUCC Members

Diakonia of the United Church of Canada (DUCC) is an association of United Church of Canada Diaconal ministers and others associated with the United Church who identify themselves as being in diaconal ministry.

Print and email/mail our member form to be added to our database.

Print Member Form

Being a member

DUCC provides a national identity and perspective on diaconal ministry

With DUCC’s role in policy making and advocacy within the church, it is important to ensure that the organization is strong and diverse.

To contact DUCC with questions or if you need to make a change of postal or email address, email [email protected].


Who can Become a member

Members in DUCC include:

  • all United Church Diaconal Ministers
  • UCC Candidates for Diaconal Ministry
  • students in one of the schools that prepares people for Diaconal Ministry in the UCC
  • anyone who identifies themselves to be a practitioner of diaconal ministry in the UCC
  • There is no membership fee to join DUCC.  The organization is 100% supported by donations.

donations that support members

DUCC donations are used to:

  • facilitate a strong community of colleagues and friends (supporting National Gathering planning, grants for regional events and travel)
  • tell our story to one another and beyond  (DUCC News and website)
  • ensure that there is a body that can speak with authority on issues related to diaconal ministry
  • support DUCC representation at international events (DOTAC and DIAKONIA World Federation)
  • contribute to diaconal education
  • remember and give thanks for the lives of diaconal folks when they die


DUCC is a member organization of DIAKONIA World Federation and its regional body, Diakonia of the Americas and the Caribbean. The United Church of Canada pays the membership fees in these organizations.


“The disciples set aside resources, according to what each one of them had, to send for the service of others.” 
Acts 11:29

All donations will receive a tax deductible receipt.

The suggested donation is $155.00.  Please consider how your donations support DUCC and choose a rate that reflects your ability to contribute.

Charitable Tax receipts are issued after year end.

Donations by Automatic Withdrawal (PAR)

Donations to DUCC can be paid by an automated monthly withdrawal from your bank account.  Paying by PAR ensures that DUCC has the resources to carry out its mandate on your behalf.  If this works for you, please fill out this PAR form and send to our treasurer.

Join our Database!

Download the Member Information Form and mail it.

Please consider automatic debit (PAR) from your account for donations.

Other ways to be an active member of DUCC