In Memorium
They nurtured our spirits and gave us their courage.As you read the memorials of women and men who served the United Church in Diaconal Ministry, you are invited to ponder their stories. Drink in their courage, their commitment, and their wisdom. Let their lives and memories nurture your spirit.
In Memorium
A human life is holy,
for it comes from God
and it returns to God:
A human life is holy
in its becoming.
A human life is holy
in its living
And a human life is holy
in its dying
Carole Etzler’s song, “Standing Before Us” has often been sung at diaconal gatherings. The song invites us to appreciate and embody the wisdom we receive from the our elders who have gone before us. The third verse of the song reminds us that these forebears “nurtured our spirits” and “gave us their courage.” Through their witness we are made strong.
As you read the memorials of women and men who served the United Church in Diaconal Ministry, you are invited to ponder their stories. Drink in their courage, their commitment, and their wisdom. Let their lives and memories nurture your spirit.
Longer biographies of women who entered the diaconate prior to 1980 are available at

Each time DUCC meets, a time of worship names those who have died since DUCC last gathered. See below for biographies on the women and men who have been recently remembered.
The following people will be remembered at the 2020 DUCC National Gathering:
Frances Clarke, July 5, 2018
Sharon Davis, July 26, 2017
Ruth (Peat) Robertson, June 3, 2017
Jessie MacLeod, May 3, 2018
2018 National Gathering: To view the Memorial Service: Memorial Script and Memorial Slideshow (download and print the script which has the corresponding slide numbers for viewing the slideshow)
2017 National Gathering: o view the Memorial service: Memorial Script and Memorial Slideshow (download and print the script with the corresponding slide numbers for viewing the slideshow)
Our Community
In Memorium
Grace Eleanor King Race
In Memorium After a fulfilling long life, Grace Race passed away peacefully, at Beacon Hill Villa, Victoria, BC. She was born on the family farm near Egremont, AB on October 15, 1918. In adulthood she taught in various rural schools, followed by work as a United...
Alice (Brooksbank) Farquharson
In Memorium Alice Farquharson followed a common path for young women in the 1950s: after high school and Normal School (teacher’s college) she started a teaching career. She enjoyed teaching, but she felt God was calling her to use her skills in the church, so...
Wilma Sharpe
In Memorium Wilma embraced her life with a commitment to be a learner: “Every position gave me opportunities to learn new things – all were good experiences. I tried to offer support and leadership that would contribute to making life better for people, and...
Elaine Harland Frazer
In Memorium The following autobiography is created from the biography Elaine wrote in 1988 for the Association of Professional Church Workers and the address which she gave to the Annual Meeting of the Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario at the time...
Mae Walker Gracey
In Memorium Katherine (Mae) Gracey was a spunky woman, she was passionate and spoke and acted on her passions with zest. Mae developed her strong spiritual connection with the Christian call to service and justice in her growing up years in Grenfell,...
Audrey McKim
In Memorium Audrey P. McKim was born in Toronto April 28, 1926. Audrey served the United Church of Canada as a Deaconess, a Sunday School Curriculum Developer, a Missionary in Kenya and Sudan and as Assistant to Church Moderator San Cho Lee. To her many friends...
Genevieve Taylor Carder
In Memorium Genevieve Taylor Carder spent her life in service to others. She held a number of important roles with the United Church's head office including: National Girl's Work Secretary, responsibility for developing the United Church's ministry with person's...
Muriel Bamford
In Memorium Muriel Bamford was born on June 20, 1918 and was a child of the manse, growing up in Northern Ontario. Missionaries were frequent guests in the Bamford home, and they made an impression on her. A graduate of Wellesley Hospital nursing school (1941),...
Beatrice “Betty” (Carkeek) Wing
In Memorium Beatrice Carkeek, was born April 21, 1926, growing up in Oshawa, Ontario. Her first, and enduring love, was music. She trained as a librarian, but when she found she enjoyed her volunteer church work more than her paid work, she responded to the...