
Full Index

Everything we post on a regular basis in our website in different categories, appears in this index by chronological order, newest entries at the top.

So Tell Me Again, What is a Diaconal Minister?

By Kathleen (Kay) Heuer, 1992 HEUER, KATHLEEN (KAY)  So Tell Me Again, What is a Diaconal Minister? St. Stephen’s College Major Project, 1992 An examination of how United Church Diaconal Ministers and the United Church view diaconal identity.

1988 in Water Valley, AB

June 22-25, 1988Lynda Gow has provided this photo that was taken at the 1988 DUCC national gathering in Water Valley, Alberta. Top Row includes: -- Marilyn Evans, Edna Meder, Mabel Brandow, Dawn Wood, Lorraine Hartry, Helen Mack, Betty Marlin, Mark Green, Sue Taylor...