1991 History of Diaconal Ministry in the United Church of Canada 1925 – 1991Apr 26, 1991 | 0 comments1991 History of Diaconal Ministry in the United Church of Canada 1925 – 1991 Produced by the Committee on Diaconal Ministry, Division of Ministry, Personnel and Education, The United Church of Canada, 1991 (149 pages) View...
1991 Diaconal Ministry: Historical OutlineApr 26, 1991 | 0 comments1991 Diaconal Ministry: Historical Outline, complied by Kay Heuer and Mary Anne MacFarlane, circa 1991 View...
1987 A Tale of Handmaidens: Deaconesses in the United Church of Canada, 1925 to 1964Apr 26, 1987 | 0 comments1987 A Tale of Handmaidens: Deaconesses in the United Church of Canada, 1925 to 1964, Mary Anne MacFarlane, U of Toronto MA Thesis View...
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